This endpoint is used to get details about all wallets related to a user. The response contains a list of currencies with their corresponding amounts.
Request Body
Your payout API key for authentication and authorization.
Specify a specific currency to get the balance for that currency. If not provided, the response will contain the balance for all available currencies.
{"result": integer,// The result code indicates the success or failure of the request."message": string,// A message providing additional information about the result."data": object array // An array of objects containing the balances for each currency. Each key is the currency symbol, and its value is the corresponding amount in that currency.}
Please note that the response will contain the balance for each currency as a string value. You may need to parse or convert these values to the appropriate data type based on your application's requirements.
Please note that a successful request will return a result code 100. In case of any issues or validation problems, refer to the corresponding result codes for further details.