This endpoint helps you instantly know how much cryptocurrency you'll get when exchanging from one type to another. Perfect for anyone interested in cryptocurrency, this feature is super easy to use. Just plug it into your app, and you'll always have the latest exchange rates at your fingertips. Whether you're buying or selling, the endpoint makes it simple to calculate the amount you'll receive in your desired cryptocurrency.
Request Body
Amount you want to exchange
"result": integer, // The result code indicates the success or failure of the request.
"message": string, // A message providing additional information about the result.
"rate": string, // The real-time exchange rate representing the number of units of `fromCurrency` equivalent to `toCurrency`.
"amount": string, // The amount you want to exchange
"toAmount": string // The amount you'll receive in your desired cryptocurrency.
By inputting the amount, fromCurrency, and toCurrency parameters, you can instantly fetch the exchange rate between your chosen cryptocurrencies and determine the amount in your desired currency. For instance, if you specify an amount of 0.2 with fromCurrency set to "BTC" and toCurrency set to "USDT," the response will furnish the current BTC to USDT rate, along with the corresponding amount of USDT you'll receive after exchanging the specified BTC quantity. This feature simplifies the process of calculating cryptocurrency exchanges, providing real-time insights for informed decision-making.
Please note that the exchange rate provided in the response may fluctuate over time due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets.