Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of payments belonging to a specific business. You can apply filters to the list based on various criteria, such as time range, payment status, amount, payment method, and more. Additionally, you can paginate the results using the `page` and `size` parameters.
Request Body
{"result": integer,// The result code indicates the success or failure of the request."message": string,// A message providing additional information about the result."data": array,// An array containing the list of payment information if the request is successful."meta": object // including size, page, pages, total.}
Please note that a successful request will return a result code 100. In case of any issues or validation problems, refer to the corresponding result codes for further details.
Now you have the example code snippets in cURL, PHP, Node.js, and Python for making a request to the Payment History endpoint. Feel free to use these examples to integrate the OxaPay API into your application or website and retrieve payment information based on your specified criteria.