Payment Information

Use the Payment Information endpoint to retrieve the details of a specific payment by its TrackId. After creating an invoice, you will receive a TrackId, which you can use to make payment information requests.


Request Body

  "result": integer, // The result code indicates the success or failure of the request.
  "message": string, // A message providing additional information about the result.
  "trackId": string, // The unique identifier of the payment session.
  "status": string, // The current status of the payment (e.g., \"New,\" \"Waiting,\" \"Confirming,\" \"Paid,\" \"Expired,\" etc.).
  "type": string, // The invoive type(Invoice or White-Label)
  "amount": string, // The total amount of the payment.
  "currency": string, // The currency in which the payment was made.
  "payAmount": string, // The actual amount paid by the payer.
  "payCurrency": string, // The currency in which the payment was made by the payer.
  "network": string, // The blockchain network on which the payment was made.
  "address": string, // The payment address where the payment was received.
  "txID": string, // The payment txID
  "email": string, // The customer email
  "orderId": string, // The invoice order id
  "description": string, // The invoice description
  "feePaidByPayer": integer, // feePaidByPayer of the invoice
  "underPaidCover": interger, // underPaidCover of the invoice
  "date": string, // Creation time of the invoice.
  "payDate": string // Payment time of the invoice.

Please note that a successful request will return a result code 100. In case of any issues or validation problems, refer to the corresponding result codes for further details.

Example codes

curl -X POST \
  -d '{
    "merchant": "YOUR_MERCHANT_API_KEY",
    "trackId": TRACK_ID

Please replace YOUR_MERCHANT_API_KEY with your actual merchant API key, and PAYMENT_TRACK_ID with the unique identifier of the payment session (TrackId) you want to inquire about. These code snippets demonstrate how to make a POST request to the Payment Information endpoint and handle the response in each respective programming language.

Last updated