Use the Payment Information endpoint to retrieve the details of a specific payment by its TrackId. After creating an invoice, you will receive a TrackId, which you can use to make payment information requests.
Request Body
Your payout API key for authentication and authorization.
The unique identifier of each payout request from OxaPay. Use this TrackId to query the payout status and obtain detailed payout information.
"result": integer, // The result code indicates the success or failure of the request.
"message": string, // A message providing additional information about the result.
"trackId": string, // The unique identifier of the payment session.
"address": string, // The recipient's cryptocurrency address for the payout.
"currency": string, // The cryptocurrency symbol of the payout.
"network": string, // The blockchain network associated with the cryptocurrency.
"amount": string, // The amount of cryptocurrency sent in the payout.
"fee": string, // The transaction fee (if any) associated with the payout.
"status": string, // The status of the payout transaction (e.g., \"Complete\", \"Processing\", \"Rejected\").
"type": string, // The type of the payout (e.g., \"internal\" or \"external\").
"txID": string, // The transaction ID of the payout on the blockchain (if available).
"date": string, // The timestamp of the payout transaction in Unix time format.
"description": string // Additional information or description related to the payout transaction.
Please note that a successful request will return a result code 100. In case of any issues or validation problems, refer to the corresponding result codes for further details.
Please replace YOUR_PAYOUT_API_KEY with your actual payout API key, andTRACK_ID with the unique identifier of the payout session (TrackId) you want to inquire about. These code snippets demonstrate how to make a POST request to the Payout Information endpoint and handle the response in each respective programming language.