Result code table
When interacting with OxaPay's APIs, various scenarios can arise that result in responses. These are identified by specific codes along with corresponding messages, providing valuable information about the result status. Below is a comprehensive list of OxaPay API codes and their descriptions:
Result Code | Error Message |
100 | Successful operation |
101 | Validation problem |
102 | Invalid merchant API key |
103 | Invalid Payout API key |
104 | Invalid IP address |
105 | Invalid currency |
106 | Invalid network |
107 | Invalid callbackUrl |
108 | Invalid returnUrl |
109 | Amount is too low |
110 | Amount is too high |
111 | lifeTime is too short (lifeTime must be > 15) |
112 | Lifetime is too long (lifeTime must be < 2880) |
113 | underPaidCover must be >= 0 |
114 | underPaidCover must be <= 60 |
115 | Invalid feePaidByPayer value |
116 | Invalid trackId |
117 | Invalid address |
118 | toAmount cannot be smaller than fromAmount |
119 | toDate cannot be earlier than fromDate |
120 | Invalid payCurrency or incorrect symbol |
121 | Invalid fromCurrency |
122 | Invalid toCurrency |
123 | fromCurrency cannot be the same as toCurrency |
124 | Limit exceeded |
125 | Receiver address is yours |
126 | Amount not provided |
127 | Amount is below the minimum limit |
128 | Transfer limit exceeded (per transaction) |
129 | Total daily transfer limit exceeded |
130 | Insufficient balance |
131 | An error occurred. |
135 | The transfer of this currency on defined network is disabled. |
500 | Internal error |
Last updated