Getting Started

To start using the OxaPay Crypto Payment Gateway, follow these steps:

1. Create an Account

Visit the OxaPay website and sign up for an account. Fill in the required information and complete the registration process. Once your account is created, you will have access to the OxaPay dashboard.

Certainly! Here's the revised version of the "Generate an API Key" section, taking into account the two types of API keys available in OxaPay:

2. Generate API Keys

To interact with the OxaPay API, you need to generate two types of API keys: the Merchant API Key for processing payments and the Payout API Key for managing payouts. Follow these steps to generate your API keys:

Merchant API Key

  1. Log in to your OxaPay account.

  2. Navigate to the Merchants API tab in your account.

  3. Click on the "Generate Merchant API Key" button.

  4. Give your Merchant API key a meaningful name for identification purposes.

Once generated, make sure to securely store your Merchant API key as it grants access to your OxaPay account for processing payments.

Payout API Key

In addition to generating a Payout API key for managing payouts, OxaPay provides an extra layer of security by allowing you to specify Allowed IPs for transfers. This feature restricts payout requests to be initiated only from the specified IP addresses, enhancing the security of your payout operations. Follow these steps to generate your Payout API key and configure the Allowed IPs for transfer:

  1. In your OxaPay account, go to the Payout API tab.

  2. Click on the "Generate Payout API Key" button.

  3. Provide a descriptive name for your Payout API key.

  4. Optionally, you can set the Allowed IPs for transfer in the provided field. Enter the IP addresses from which you want to permit payout requests.

Safely store your Payout API key as it provides access to the payout functionality of your OxaPay account.

By setting the Allowed IPs for transfer, you can ensure that payout requests can only be initiated from the specified IP addresses, adding an extra layer of security to your payout operations. This helps prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of fraudulent activity.

Remember to keep your Payout API key confidential and avoid sharing it with unauthorized individuals or third parties. This key grants access to the payout functionality of your OxaPay account and should be treated with the same level of security as your login credentials.

Once you have generated the Payout API key and configured the Allowed IPs for transfer, you can proceed with integrating the OxaPay Crypto Payment Gateway and utilizing the Payout API for managing payouts. Refer to the API Reference section for detailed information on using the Payout API key and performing payout-related operations.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the configuration of the Allowed IPs for transfer or any other aspects of the Payout API, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Certainly! Here's the revised version of the "Test the API" section, removing the Payout API Testing section:

3. Test the API

Before integrating the OxaPay API into your application or website, it is recommended to test the API using the sandbox environment. The sandbox environment allows you to experiment and familiarize yourself with the API functionality without processing real transactions.

Merchant API Testing

To test the Merchant APIs and validate the available gateways, you can use the 'sandbox' as the merchant field in your API requests. This allows you to simulate payment flows and evaluate the response from the OxaPay system. Note that the sandbox environment is specifically available for testing purposes with the following format:

merchant: 'sandbox'

By including the 'sandbox' value as the merchant field in your Merchant API requests, you can access the test environment and perform various payment scenarios without impacting real transactions or balances.

During the testing phase, it is recommended to thoroughly explore the available API endpoints. These endpoints allow you to create payments, retrieve payment information, check transaction status, and more. By testing the API endpoints with different scenarios, you can verify the expected functionality and behavior of the OxaPay API.

Once you are confident with the testing results in the sandbox environment, you can proceed to integrate the OxaPay Crypto Payment Gateway into your live application or website. Make sure to update the merchant field to the appropriate value for production use.

Refer to the API Reference section for detailed information on available endpoints, request and response formats, and example code snippets to guide you through the integration process.

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the integration and testing process, our support team is available to assist you.

Let's dive into the API Reference section, where you will find detailed information about each API endpoint and how to use them effectively.

Last updated